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Career Awareness Internship

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Our goal as an internship, was to introduce participants to an assortment of professions, inspire a career interest, and build an understanding of the educational path to Career Awareness Internship specific careers. Develop professional skills while leading the program. An interactive, virtual workforce development program. Interns are divided into four teams (Logistics and Finance, Human Resources, Marketing and Sales, and Continuous Learning) and, under the guidance of Companies That Care staff, execute the program and simultaneously learn professional skills and career options as a participant. Each day interns participate in large group meetings, team meetings, and independent work projects.  Each team fulfilled a duty to help orchestrate a graduation for our AIM High Students that are of collegiate level and high school.

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Human Resources

Our Human Resources team is geared to help our program run smoothly to make sure that other groups are meeting the accommodations. We keep track of attendance, daily updates on the well being of everyone’s health, stipend management,document prizes, creation of awards and initiate the wrap around support for all.

  • Establish Performance Expectations including attendance and engagement.

  • Create and communicate criteria for $600 stipend.

  • Monitor Individual Performance

  • Conduct Employee Relations through COVID-19 well-being checks and providing resources and supplies to those in need.

  • Create Rewards Program to motivate program participation among interns and all high school participants in Companies That Care’s programs

  • Monitor and document individual performance for stipend and rewards

  • Develop evaluation survey, distribute survey to interns and analyze results.

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Continuous Learning

Our Continuous Learning team leads our group meetings, plans, and educates the group on the newest updates in the media, as in college life and the coronavirus. They are resourceful to our group by researching and designing new ways for us to interact with each other. The team gets everyone engaged to want to learn more about the research they have found, along with different speakers for us to connect with.

  • Recruit employers to speak about their organizations, give a virtual tour, and describe various career paths
  • Monitor COVID-19 updates with particular attention to impact on communities of color.  Provide a daily update about progression of the disease, how to avoid getting sick, community resources and what to do if someone is sick.
  • Recruit speakers to teach professional skills.  Utilize internet resources.  Provide activities to practice skills.  Topics cover: Communication skills; Time management; Microsoft Office; Team building; Resumes and Interviewing; Effective group processes
  • Use professional skills to reach out to speakers and follow up after the meeting
  • Ensure presentations are interesting by employing a variety of presentation method

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Marketing and Sales

Our Marketing and Sales team is a two for one. On the marketing scale, the team creates relevant, fun content to promote AIM High. As a whole we are in charge of sales pitches, graphics, etc. On the sales scale, the responsibilities are not only to get motivational prizes donated, gain potential futuristic sponsors for the program but to also fund raise for the program.

  • Using social media, create awareness of the impact of COVID-19 on marginalized communities, and of the AIM High college success program

  • Plan and fund raise for a Graduation Event.  Solicit sponsors and in-kind donations

  • Solicit prizes for Reward Program.

  • Draft sales pitches, outreach templates and marketing materials – letters, posters, etc.

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Logistics and Finance

Our Logistics and Finance team is good with planning, project management, analyzing financial data reports, as well as paying attention to detail. This hardworking team is in charge of keeping track of our internship budgets, stipends, fundraising income, and storage for our internship prizes!

  • Manage program budget.  Approve expense requests.  Purchase supplies.  Document.

  • Calculate weekly stipend for each intern based on performance

  • Track income from Sales Team and handle banking

  • Communicate with and fulfill reporting requirements to the funders.


Zoom Continuous Learning

A captured moment of our Contious Learning team during a Zoom meeting.

Here is a warm ‘Thank you’ from Quenice W. an intern apart of the Marketing and Sales Team of Career Awareness Internship of 2020!

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