Companies That Care Leadership Opportunities
There are a variety of leadership opportunities with Center for Companies That Care.
Our Governing Board is responsible for preserving our mission and values and holds fiduciary responsibility for the effective and responsible oversight of the organization. Fundraising is a major responsibility of the Governing Board.
Our Associates Board works to increase the reach of the programs through which we fulfill our mission. They are mentored by the Governing Board and have opportunities to participate in the inner workings of the organization.
The Advisory Board offers input, ideas and expert advice to our Management and Board of Directors.
Our Policy Boards contribute ideas and resources that shape, refine, and enhance the delivery of our programs and initiatives. The AIM High Policy Board focuses on mentoring programs for college bound high school students from under-served and low-income urban communities. The Invisible Differences Policy Board focuses on educational and career planning programs for teens and young adults with neurobehavioral disorders.
Please complete this form to tell us about your interests and experience and to become a candidate for one of our Boards.