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We Believe

Our Vision

All students have an equal opportunity to earn a college degree and succeed in a fulfilling career.

Our Mission

We aim to dramatically increase college graduation rates among historically disenfranchised students and to foster socially responsible, inclusive work environments where they can find fulfilling employment.

Our Values

We believe:

  • No one person is superior to another.
  • We each have an obligation to leave this world in a better condition than when we entered it.
  • Now is the time to acknowledge past traumas and chart an equitable future for all.
  • ALL students deserve the opportunity to earn a college degree.
  • Employers have a responsibility to ensure their employees and communities thrive, not merely exist. When making decisions, we should consider the human toll, both today and on the unborn seventh generation.
  • The best way to effect change and truly make a meaningful difference in the world is by engaging all players who comprise communities (individuals, neighbors, employers, schools, religious institutions, government) in the work of social sustainability.
  • If we all do a little, we can truly accomplish a lot.

Our Team

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