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About Center for Companies That Care

Center for Companies That Care is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  By channeling the power of Chicagoland businesses to live their values and address tenacious social issues facing our communities today, we improve the lives of individuals, families and communities, and help ensure social sustainability.  Our focus is on Education, Workforce Development and Literacy.

Center for Companies That Care, with our member companies, strives to:

  • Increase college graduation rates for at-risk youth and people who have neurobehavioral and mental health disorders, and learning disabilities;
  • Prepare underprivileged students for professional roles in the workforce;
  • Promote full reading literacy by 3rd grade;
  • Cultivate inclusive workplaces; and
  • Expand the resources dedicated to these efforts.

Why We Exist

We exist because history demands it.

The historical and continued (current?) consequences of systematic and systemic racism in America has prevented people of color, specifically Black and Latino individuals, from achieving both an intellectually and financially fulfilling life. Inequitable access to quality education and, subsequently, access to quality work, is unjust. Chicago is one of the nation’s most segregated cities; therefore, zip code and neighborhood continue to be one of the most significant predictors of a student’s level of achievement.

We prioritize those who have been historically disenfranchised and ignored. Our expertise is serving and supporting low-income, minority, diverse learners and/or first-generation college-goers through their college-to-career journey.

We exist to elevate the life trajectories of low-income, minority students and diverse learners

Education is the most effective path out of poverty

All students who want to earn a college degree, regardless of socio-economic status, race, or disability, should be afforded the resources and support they deserve to achieve the goals they have established for themselves and their families.

We exist to advance educational equity

Minority students and diverse learners are significantly less likely to graduate from college than their white peers

We exist to cultivate socially responsible and inclusive organizations

Minority and disabled employees have significantly less advancement opportunities in the workplace than their white peers

What We Do

Center for Companies That Care supplements employers’ internal Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resources efforts by making it easy for them to be socially responsible.  Local employers become members of Center for Companies That Care in order to participate in impactful community initiatives, access resources and expertise, and to visibly demonstrate that they are a Company That Cares.  Center for Companies That Care is uniquely positioned to ensure the needs of communities and businesses are both met.

Impactful Community Initiatives

To foster social sustainability, Center for Companies That Care has developed a variety of initiatives to help at-risk youth rise out of poverty, complete a college education, pursue careers, and give-back as citizens. These initiatives are tightly focused on helping to develop the workforce of the future by:

  • Ensuring college completion for at-risk youth and people with neurobehavioral and mental health disorders, and learning disabilities
  • Cultivating communication and professional skills
  • Developing STEM skills

Businesses engage in the various community initiatives in a variety of ways, including  leadership, financial support and direct service.

The icons located next to each program description show how an organization can engage with this initiative.

AIM High

AIM High is a long-term, structured, more-than-mentoring program dedicated to dramatically improving college graduation rates among underserved urban youth and preparing them for careers. Member companies commit to providing mentoring teams of 3-5 employees for each high school student in the program, starting in the 9th grade through college graduation.

Invisible Differences

Invisible Differences helps teens and young adults with neurobehavioral challenges, learning disabilities and mental health disorders complete their education and enter fulfilling careers.  Family members, caregivers, schools and employers are also supported by the program.

Terrific Tales

Terrific Tales is an annual fundraising or book-raising initiative to put high quality classroom libraries in low-income schools.  Reading, as well as being read to, is the building block of literacy.

March to College

March to College is an annual College Fair and 5K run/walk dedicated to increasing college graduation rates among at-risk youths and students with disabilities.  Community members and K-12 students on field trips receive “College Bound” t-shirts, attend the only college fair in the country for K-12 students, and participate in a 5K run/walk.

Fast Track through College: A College Simulation

College Simulation is a fast-paced, interactive, competitive workshop that prepares high school seniors for the social, financial and academic realities of college.  In half a day, students experience many of the situations and challenges they will encounter during college and participate in a comprehensive debrief led by college-age facilitators.

Summer Stretch & STEM Institute

In response to summer learning loss, Summer Stretch & STEM Institute is a summer enrichment program for at-risk teens and college students.  Students complete courses and receive certificates in STEM topics, professional skills, college readiness, and Microsoft Office.  Students are also offered academic classes for college credit and Career Awareness internships.

Resources and Expertise

Center for Companies That Care helps each member be a Company That Cares by providing a variety of resources and expertise, including:

Executive Leadership Forum

A networking opportunity for executives (VP and above) of member companies to discuss relevant business issues and benefit from the expertise and advice from like-minded, socially responsible executives.

Educational Programs

Line managers, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility professionals at member companies are offered a variety of educational seminars, including:

  • Best Practices Roadshow
  • Stepping Stones Seminar Series
  • Poverty Simulation (for line managers)
  • Annual Community Leadership Symposium

Consulting Services

Center for Companies That Care has seasoned consulting staff with decades of experience consulting to businesses.  Our services focus on designing and implementing social responsibility initiatives and building a culture in which employees thrive.  Member companies utilize our expertise for their unique situation and challenges, all at nonprofit rates.

Employee Survey

This online survey assesses employee attitudes about the organization’s culture and internal and external practices as a company that cares The results can be a launching pad for a company’s ongoing corporate social responsibility and employee engagement efforts.

Employee Benefits

Employees of member companies and their children may be eligible to participate in our community initiatives.  Employees who have or whose children have neurobehavioral challenges, mental health disorders or learning disabilities may receive services from Invisible Differences.  At-risk children of employees may receive services from AIM High.

Services for your underprivileged youth

Member companies who support underprivileged youth through non-Companies That Care programs (such as a partnership with a school) may include their at-risk students in Companies That Care events such as March to College and the College Simulation.  Center for Companies That Care will also Track Outcomes for all youth who participate in Companies That Care initiatives.

Visibly Demonstrate Values

Member companies are driven by their values to care about their community and their employees.  Center for Companies That Care publicly validates that the employer aligns its actions with its values by providing:

Company That Cares Seal

The Company That Cares Seal can be used in your daily internal emails, external marketing materials, and other business communications to convey that your organization is a company that cares to employees, customers, suppliers and all your stakeholders.

Named Sponsor of Programs and Events

Membership includes being named as a sponsor for many of our events and programs.  This enables your organization to demonstrate support with and receive appropriate recognition for your organization.

Publicized Best Practices

We create visibility for socially responsible practices utilized by member companies by listing them on our website and driving other member companies to our website.

Recognized on Companies That Care Day

We promote member companies as a “Company That Cares” on our annual recognition day.

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